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SilvIR: Example with Concrete Syntax

This post assumes you've read the definition of SilvIR, and is intended to be paired with its semantics. It's not a regular one in the series, and if you feel like you've fully understood everything so far, you can probably skip to the next post.

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production arith:lit arith:Expr

production-body arith:lit[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk { nil() } in
    top.arith:errors := tmp;
production arith:var arith:Expr

production-body arith:var[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let errors = thunk {
                 let member = force(core:member) in
                 let nameIsBound = member(top.0, top.arith:boundVars) in
                 case nameIsBound of
                 true() -> nil()
                   false() ->
                     let tmp_nil = thunk { nil() } in
                     cons(undecorable strcat("Unbound variable ", top.0), decorable tmp_nil)
               } in
    top.arith:errors := errors;
production arith:add arith:Expr

production-body arith:add[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk { force(top.arith:boundVars) } in
    top.0.arith:boundVars := tmp;

production-body arith:add[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk { force(top.arith:boundVars) } in
    top.1.arith:boundVars := tmp;

production-body arith:add[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk {
              let append = force(core:append) in
              let thunk = append(top.0.arith:errors, top.1.arith:errors) in
            } in
    top.arith:errors := tmp;
production arith:let arith:Expr

production-body arith:let[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk { force(top.arith:boundVars) } in
    top.1.arith:boundVars := tmp;

production-body arith:let[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk {
              let topBoundVars = thunk { force(top.arith:boundVars) } in
              cons(undecorable top.0, decorable topBoundVars)
            } in
    top.2.arith:boundVars := tmp;

production-body arith:let[priority=0]
λ top ->
  let tmp = thunk {
              let append = force(core:append) in
              let thunk = append(top.1.arith:errors, top.2.arith:errors) in
            } in
    top.arith:errors := tmp;
core:append = λ (l, r) ->
let tmp = force(l) in
  case tmp of
  nil() -> r
    cons(h, t) ->
      thunk {
        let append = force(core:append) in
        let rest = append(t, r) in
        cons(undecorable h, decorable rest)
core:member = λ (x, xs) ->
let tmp = force(xs) in
  case tmp of
  nil() -> false()
    cons(h, t) ->
      let eq = streq(x, h) in
      case eq of
      true() -> true()
        false() -> let member = force(core:member) in member(x, t)
arith:main = λ () ->
let tmp_l2 = arith:lit(undecorable 2) in
  let tmp_vx = arith:var(undecorable "x") in
  let tmp_vy = arith:var(undecorable "y") in
  let tmp_avxvy = arith:add(decorable tmp_vx, decorable tmp_vy) in
  let tmp_lyl2avxvy = arith:let(undecorable "y", decorable tmp_l2, decorable tmp_avxvy) in
  let tmp_vz = arith:var(undecorable "z") in
  let term = arith:add(decorable tmp_lyl2avxvy, decorable tmp_vz) in
  let tmp_nil = thunk { nil() } in
  let tree = decorate term with λ (top) -> top.arith:boundVars := tmp_nil; top in
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